
This week I’ve been thinking and talking with others about the power of connection and how important it is in our recovery, so I’d like to share some of Brene Brown’s wisdom with you.

“Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives. The power that connection holds in our lives was confirmed when the main concern about connection emerged as the fear of disconnection; the fear that something we have done or failed to do, something about who we are or where we come from, has made us unlovable and unworthy of connection.”

My addiction created disconnection within me on every level…spiritually, emotionally and physically. I became isolated, as many of us do, and and was a seeker of disconnection from the reality of life by numbing out. I felt unloveable, ashamed, and “not good enough.” In recovery, with the spiritual journey of the 12 Steps and yoga, I was able to restore connection and hope by awakening to my heart and opening up to raw vulnerability. I prayed for courage and continually set intentions to let go of defeating beliefs so I could align with my true nature…from the words of yoga master, Baron Baptiste…the experience of connection with all of life, where everything is perfectly imperfect as it is, with nothing to fix, nothing to change and nothing needing to be different or better, is True North Alignment. “In these moments we feel open, undefended, with no need to protect. There is no urge to hold on, consume or collect. We are aligned with and flowing from our greater purpose.” It’s found within doing the work and trusting the greater good. It is living wholeheartedly.

The stuff that gets in the way of being wholehearted can be released..if we allow it. Progress happens when we’re committed to the process. Connection happens when we’re willing to show up in our lives and be there for others, do the work, and open up to something new. That’s the beauty of a new day. A fresh start is available to all of us whether you’re in recovery or not. Like Brene, I believe we are here to love and connect with each other, show support and practice kindness for ourselves.

Yoga gives me a chance to create connection to the present moment and the life force of my breath. It allows me to release the mucky, yucky, buildup I’ve created in my mind and softens the jagged edges of life’s challenges.

I encourage you to join us Thursday for a gentle yoga practice and meditation to deepen connection within your beautiful self!

Every Thursday evening at Namaspa, 7 pm

Much Love, Julie